Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay Graduation Speech - 1236 Words
Isnt it strange how princes and kings And clowns who caper in sawdust rings And common folk, like you and me Are builders for eternity. For each is given a bag of tools, A shapeless mass, and a set of rules. And each of us, a life is flown, Must either build a stumbling block or stepping stone. Builders for eternity ... what an awe-inspiring thought: That you and I not would be, nor could be, but are builders for eternity. On this day, the seventh of June 2006, at our high school graduation night, the night we say goodbye to the structured life high school offers, the night we say goodbye to friends and teachers that have impacted our lives in so many ways. This night, as we bid farewell and invite the broad,†¦show more content†¦He put forth all the effort it took to make his dream a reality despite the odds against him. Martin Luther King is a man who illustrated the third E beautifully. The third E is for Essential. Imagine a world where everyone built himself into someone who was essential to his family, neighborhood, or a group of otherwise lonely people. Martin Luther King was a hero because he was essential to a suffering nation. He had another piece of advice that, when heeded, will make us all essential members of any group. He said Everyone can be great because everyone can serve. You dont have to have a college degree to serve. You dont have to have your subject and your verb agree. You only need a heart full of grace, a soul generated by love. If you do nothing else, serve others with love and grace, and you will be an essential part of our world. Do we enjoy being who we are? Are we putting 100% effort into who we are and what we are doing? Are we an essential part of someones life and a meaningful piece to society? Now, back to the poem. Common folk like you and me are builders of eternity. For each is given a bag of tools. The tools we have can be described as talents. 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Every graduate present here is deserving of high praise and recognition and I would like to congratulate each of you on reaching this milestone in life. IRead MoreGraduation Speech650 Words  | 3 PagesCongratulations everyone, congratulations. If youre participating in this graduation ceremony, youve taken the next step toward your future goals and dreams. For those of you that just finished your transfer degrees, congratulations. To those of you that came back to school after a few years off to get a better education, congratulations. To those of you that came to get a certificate or learn IT or computer programming so you can get a better job, congratulations. Now that youre moving onRead More Graduation Speech Essay1010 Words  | 5 PagesLadies, gentlemen, parents, friends, family, staff, fellow students: Instead of taking up more time and reading my speech, it is available to you at http://www.olen’ Thank you. No, just kidding. But seriously folks... 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I was asked to put together a speech for tonight -- Ive become experienced at speech writing over the past couple of weeks. The speech that you are hearing is the fourth one Ive written, the recycle bin needs to be emptied at home and I need a new highlighter. Thank you, Mr. Mier, you get an A+ for your help as my speech teacher but an F for saving trees. Tonight Id like to talk to three groupsRead MoreAn Example of a Graduation Speech653 Words  | 3 Pageswriting papers, doing homework, taking an occasional pop quiz, and of course taking countless exams, it is that time that we all anticipate†¦Graduation! Purpose Statement: Since the majority of us are seniors, and graduation is a little less than a month away, I am going to provide you with some historical background information and some fun facts about graduation in order to make the occasion even more meaningful than it already is. Road Map: Most of you could probably agree that high school wasRead More Graduation Speech Essay1516 Words  | 7 Pagesstudy abroad, and with the great help of the Turner family, Ms. Joy Fitzpatrick who is the international student program coordinator, and my parents, I entered America as an international student on March 11, 2001, only one week after my high school graduation in Japan. It seems as though yesterday when I saw my host mom crying at the airport to see me landed to America safely, as if she were welcoming back her own daughter. I still recall the very first class I took. I was so scared and nervous thatRead More Graduation Speech Essay1115 Words  | 5 Pagesthis graduation speech, several people suggested including a profound quote offering â€Å"encouraging advice to the young graduates†, and then there were others who said, â€Å"eh don’t worry about it, no one listens to those anyway.†Fortunately, I was actually able to take from both suggestions and found a happy balance. You see, I won’t tell you today to: â€Å"Dare to dream†or â€Å"Find your own vision†or even to â€Å"Strive for excellence,†or any trite clichà © that’s ever been said in a graduation speech. SoRead More Graduation Speech Essay560 Words  | 3 PagesWhen they were trying to find someone to give this speech they first asked the most intelligent, smart person they could find. But she turned them down. So then they asked the most beautiful, lovely, attractive person they could find. She also turned them down. Next they asked the nicest, sweetest, kindest, most sincere person they could find. Then I decided it would be rude to turn them down three times in a row, so here I am. How many people here like tomato soup? Come on, raise your hand if
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