Thursday, August 27, 2020
Third Place free essay sample
third Place Next stop: Orlando International Airport. This is the day I’ve been sitting tight for persistently for nine months, and it was at long last here. 28 heads on the transport restlessly prepared for the few days of their lives. I’ve never felt the sentiments I was encountering at the present time. I was so positive about myself and my group that we would do stunning. I realized that I would get a decent night’s rest and get up tomorrow eager to get up and go. The day at long last came, where I would have been contending on that National floor with my 27 closest companions at the National Dance Team Championship. Not on the grounds that we were in Walt Disney World, however it really was the most supernatural experience I’ve ever had. I felt as though everyone's eyes were on us when we strolled into the Performance Center. The weight was on, as everybody was depending on us to take that ahead of everyone else title. We will compose a custom exposition test on Third Place or then again any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Our exhibition couldn’t have been progressively great. It was completely amazing. Everybody was astounded thus numerous groups, guardians, and mentors came up to us and saluted us on what we had quite recently done. These commendations said such a great amount about our presentation. Strolling off that floor, I definitely knew instinctively we did it. It was at long last an ideal opportunity for grants and the expectation was executing me, be that as it may, I realized that it was all out of my hands now and there was nothing more we could have done to put on a superior act. Twelve groups made it into finals including us. Persistently, we stood by to hear our name get called, and afterward it boiled down to top three. â€Å"In third place†¦ Seminole High School!†said the commentator. I was in finished stun my knees began trembling and my eyes began to load up with enormous, hot tears. This was the best thing we could’ve requested on the grounds that Seminole was our greatest opponent, and they were the main explanation remaining among us and the primary spot trophy. The following two minutes were the longest two minutes of my life. Before long enough they called second spot and it wasn’t us. Goodness my gosh! This must be one thing†¦ â€Å"Anddddd in first place†said the speakers. Since the time I won UDA Nationals in 2017, I sincerely think I have improved as an individual all around. Since this occasion influenced me emphatically from multiple points of view it caused me to acknowledge whether you set your attention to something, you can really achieve anything, regardless of whether it’s without anyone else or with others. The most significant part for me was not the way that we won Nationals. It was the manner by which we cooperated for nine months and as a group made our fantasies into real factors. Winning this title has shown me far beyond just cooperation and administration aptitudes. I discovered things about myself I never realized I had in me that I will esteem and clutch for an amazing remainder.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Physical Security Clients Assessment (Criminal Justice) Essay
Physical Security Clients Assessment (Criminal Justice) - Essay Example weakness present most exceptional impacts of floods, seismic tremors and volcanoes among others similarly as those that are man-made including common unsettling influences, modern mishaps and harm. Security powers and those introducing security gadgets in this way should be furnished with sufficient aptitudes through defenselessness tests, preparing and oversight. With the expansion in structures, security and wellbeing become principal. There are fluctuated dangers related with structures including turmoil, crises and wrongdoing. The wrongdoings that could be submitted in contradiction to building security incorporate robbery and theft, property harm including damage and spray painting, individual offenses, for example, lift ambushes, open request offenses, for example, furious trades with receptionists and unapproved access to utilities that could prompt business reconnaissance. Clutters include social issues, for example, sedate managing and prisoner taking in structures (Challinger, 2008). Fennelly recognizes the significance of â€Å"territorial protection strategies†as an approach to forestall property related wrongdoings including family unit burglary, auto robbery and break-ins (2004, p.5). The related system regions for this situation incorporate development principles, building inside security, building edge security and building grounds security. Grounds security would ensure against unapproved section into locales and restrains damaging conduct by guests. Development principles guarantee that the materials and methods utilized in development limit wellbeing perils and wrongdoings. Inside security gives a third line of protection by utilization of physical hindrances and observation to forestall unapproved get to and guarantee security of inhabitants. Reese and Tong (2010) bring up the physical security of government structures and incorporate resources of physical security, for example, shut circuit TV cameras, wellbeing gatekeepers and boundary material. Since the September 2001 fear based oppressor assaults on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, there have been
Importance of Traditions in Richard Wagamese’s Keeper’n Me Essay
Any relationship goes two different ways to keep our life in balance, and furthermore influence our life whichever of family or culture. As Bernice Weissbourd says: â€Å"Because it’s not just a kid is indivisible from the family in which he lives, yet that the lives of families are dictated by the network in which they live and the social convention from which they come.†In Keeper’n me, for example, Garnet Raven who was detracted from his family to a progression of white encourage homes when he was three. Garnet’s encounters because of the severe political and social arrangements. In addition, Keeper as a narrator attempts to pass the message of conventions and a lifestyle to direct Garnet, who showed up in White Dog reservation with anything besides Native, to get himself. At long last, Garnet managed fitting in the life on the booking and acknowledgment of individuals that around him by learning the Ojibway culture that Keeper educated him. Through setting, character advancement and images the creator shows that there is more importance to our activities and feelings in finding a spot to have a place and an equalization of life. Conventions which implies a custom or conviction that has existed for quite a while, influence a person’s character. The hero of story, Garnet, at first feels anxiety and detached from his family and his way of life. Condition changes the way that he lives by removing him from where he was conceived. At the point when he originally showed up at White Dog reservation, individuals giggle at him because of dressing like a dark man â€Å" I had my Afro all chose to around three feet around my head, reflected shades, an inflatable sleeved yellow silk shirt with the since quite a while ago tightened neckline, lime green loose jeans with the little sleeves and my coolest pair of stage shoes, all earthy colored with silver spangles, and three gold chains around my neck†( Wagamese 45). He’s simply like a vacationer, not recognizing what to do or what to be as an untouchable in his way of life. The general public powers him to be another person aside from Native. It mirrors that he attempts to fit into White world by being things that he isn't on the grounds that he was humiliated to be Indian. This statement additionally anticipates that he will discover a spot to have a place similarly as remaining on the booking to stay in contact with his family and Native culture. During a constructive exercise of Native culture, he begins to fit in the general public and gets acknowledgment of individuals. His mother gives him the shirt that he had on the day he showed up at save to help him to remember where he originated from and how he needed to be. In spite of the fact that his mother patches up the shirt that â€Å" the sleeves were reduced ordinary, the since quite a while ago pointed neckline was gone and the strips stumbled into the chest and back and down the arms†(Wagamese 301). He learns the customary methods of Native and makes the association with individuals, particularly his family, and now he changes the way that he used to dressing. Everybody needs family so as to get themselves, nobody could be his own individual without knowing himself. The environmental factors constrain Garnet to learn Whites rather than his own way of life cause he lost association and himself. Setting is one part of the way of life that influence Garnet’s personality in social manner. The setting of the book is significant in Garnet’s character improvement and self-awareness. The connection among Garnet and his family is isolates on the grounds that he was raised by cultivate homes rather than his family, that makes him a great deal contrasts among him and Natives. At the point when he comes back to the hold, he has bunches of things need to learn, particularly the conventional Native profound ways. Toward the start of the book, Garnet was attempting to act others with the exception of Indian, for example, â€Å"Hawaiian, Polynesian, Mexican or Chinese†(Wagamese 19). He felt lost in White society and attempts to get away from truth of being an Indian in regard that he doesn’t realize that how will generally be an Indian and never meet a â€Å"real†Indian until he back to the booking. In this book, Keeper’s voice starts the story that there is something to be found out about individuals, himself and his motivation. Manager shows Garnet the strict convictions that encourages him to discover an equalization in his life, and Garnet follows Keeper’s educating to figure out how to turn into a narrator that he will keep and show Native customs. Garnet follows the â€Å"Teachings. The bursts made by them that went previously. The signs that mark the way we’re all expected to follow. The way of the heart. The way of individuals. The red road†(Wagamese 305). To Garnet respect the loss of culture and the old lessons ought to tail it so as to find a sense of contentment with nature and individuals around us. It shows Garnet that his way of life is decrease and that he gets an opportunity to turn into an attendant to instruct and bring back the conventions. It likewise understands the advantages of learning the method of Ojibway and being associated with his way of life. The strict convictions give Garnet a decent feeling of otherworldliness that he finds a culture to have a place and knows himself about what he wants to be and how to do it. The character improvement is one part of learnings that influence Garnet’s personality in otherworldly manners. The setting and character improvement that Garnet encounters in the story help uncover the ground-breaking imagery and subjects. The drum represents the association of conventions and the customary Native culture’s subject of regard. At the point when Garnet first an ideal opportunity to play the drum and attempts to sing melodies follow the beat, â€Å"The beat got all dispersed and the tune self-destructed on its own†(Wagamese 135). He attempts to feel drum and sing melodies as an Indian yet at the same time have progressively white and dark inside him that influence him more than Indian. It mirror that his feelings are confounded simply like he begins to play the drum yet when he endeavors to sing tunes simultaneously, he lost the cadence. He doesn’t discover an equalization of playing drum and singing melodies just as he doesn’t discover a parity of his life to fit in Native culture. This statement likewise portends that he will gain proficiency with the significance of drum in Native conventional lessons as an estimation of how it connects with others. Drum is emblematic of how hallowed and old their way of life is. As Keeper said in the book, â€Å"The drum’s the heartbeat of Mother Earth†(Wagamese 163). Manager was clarifying how the land is a fundamental piece of Native personality and how he feels the heartbeat of mother earth when he plays the drum. It is an association with customs and culture that help Indian to remember effortlessness kept them alive through everything and assist them with living in offset with the entire world. Drum likewise as a portrayal of female belly and the thumping of the drum resembles the pulsating of mother’s heart and speak to the core of the land. You approach a drum with deference as you’d approach your mother with deference. The estimations of customs instruct Garnet that finds a parity of his life and regard others particularly mother. The image likewise is one part of Native culture that influence Garnet’s personality in passionate manners. Keeper’n me is a perspective on positive path in Natives’ life by showing Garnet conventions, customs influence Garnet’s characters. White society isolates Garnet from his family on the booking causes that he lost association and spot to have a place. The estimations of condition sees impact on Garnet’s social character. In view of the setting, character improvement shows how Garnet felt lost and no convictions at starting, yet during learning strict convictions he feels connective and gets himself where he ought to be. The strict convictions sway on Garnet’s otherworldly character. At last, the image of drum features the significances of Native customs and regard that helps Garnet discovers parity of his life. The estimations of one interfaces with others that encourages customary ways influence Garnet’s enthusiastic personality. Customs are the most significant piece of our life, it shows acts, contemplations and impact of character in our lives.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Argumentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Argumentation - Essay Example Basic investigation of these marvels permits seeing some normal partialities. Men have the need to stay behind the veil of manliness indicating no feelings and being forceful. Ladies have second jobs and should be dealt with likewise and that is the reason ladies have no force. These misshaped account about man and ladies make numerous issues for both genders things being what they are. What's more, the article is planned to show which definite issues show up along these lines. Young men are instructed from the little age to be genuine men. Be that as it may, what precisely being a genuine man implies is normally gained from media. Also, youngsters unfit to comprehend what is strict and what isn't underestimate everything. For example, Pixar was shooting kid's shows with the main characters being male as it were. Desolate male animals in the organization of male characters went off on some mission or battled lowlifess in all the Pixar kid's shows. Ladies assumed optional jobs or at times even become last accomplishments of the legends. Furthermore, young men alongside young ladies discover that ladies can't be pioneers and can't dream to be presidents. In any case, since when initiative aptitudes are about force and not about the capacity to think systematically and to discover goals of the issues? Furthermore, ladies are similarly acceptable in these errands. Besides, young men are instructed to dodge feelings as feelings are seen as female element. Notwithstanding, keeping away from genuine sentiments prompts their concealment and to demolishing any kid's character. The video â€Å"The veil you live in†shows that the aftereffects of such changes in mind are miserable. Young men are frequently determined to have social issue and get prescriptions as treatment, misuse liquor and medicates and even submit suicides. They are additionally are bound to become lawbreakers since they generally need to show their manliness and hostility. The circumstance with young ladies is significantly progressively basic. Regardless of feministic development young ladies need to fit the generalizations of womanliness: be delicate and stunned.
Analysis of Theoretical Framework
Examination of Theoretical Framework EDUC 701: Theories and Research in Educational Psychology February 24, 2013 ? Acquaintance Teachers are required with show perusing and cognizance abilities to understudies and assist them with having the option to peruse and understand materials from the over a wide span of time. Dr. Constance L. Pearson (1990) composes an exposition entitled â€Å"The Comparison of the Effects of Three Prereading Advance Organizers on the Literal Comprehension of Fifth-Grade Social Studies Materials†in this paper he is attempting to check whether the utilization of a prereading propelled coordinator would help construct the fifth level understudies appreciation and information skills.During this phase of understudies learning improvement it is critical to begin dealing with their perusing and understanding aptitudes. Examination The hypothetical structure for this exposition is utilizing fifth-grade social investigations materials and having a prereading methodology of a propelled coordinator to check whether it would expand appreciation and information in the youngsters while they read their course books. The propelled coordinators that are being utilized are visual, realistic and tricky circumstance approach. The propelled coordinators are being utilized to assist the understudies with any ideas that they are not comfortable with.By utilizing these coordinators methodologies would be created to help with learning the material. There were two research inquiries to approve the hypothesis that is being utilized. The principal question identified with understanding appreciation and how it influences understudies when they are given a prereading movement while utilizing one of the propelled coordinators. The subsequent research question identifies with the perusing understanding of the other two propelled coordinator approaches when they are given a preading movement. It is accepted that understudies perusing understanding can be expa nded from the utilization of the propelled coordinators for their specific subject area.The reason for this exploration was to decide whether one of the prereading advance coordinator procedures would convey qualification from the other two methodologies. During the exploration numerous components must be thought of and one such factor were understudies not having the option to get importance from what they read in content region course readings. One explanation that the peruser may have an issue with content is that the material is composed on a higher perusing level then the planned peruser. Accordingly the journalists have attempted to streamline the phrasing and abbreviated the sentences.They didn't mull over variables that inborn in the peruser such inspiration, understanding capacity and intrigue. There is one human factor that has the most impact on appreciation and that is schemata. Understanding of the material is being dictated by the information that the peruser brings to the determination. The more schemata the peruser has for the point the more they will comprehend the subject. Content materials particularly in the zone of social investigations try to create numerous ideas; understudies frequently don't have the system to connect new knowledge.Students must have a comprehension of the ideas so as to fathom the material they are perusing. In part two of the exposition Pearson clarifies how the exploration and writing that identify with the relationship of advance coordinators to understanding appreciation. He talks about the historical backdrop of the investigation of understanding appreciation and advance coordinators. The diagram hypothesis is examined as it identifies with the investigation of advance coordinators. Before 1970 perusing appreciation was seen as a procedure exclusively enacted by the content itself.The sees on perusing understanding have since changed and now message has been resolved to be just the system for importance. The peru ser must have the option to develop an inside theoretical portrayal of what is being perused. End Therefore, through research it was resolved the utilization of advance coordinators before the materials were perused, brought about some recollecting by initiating significant ideas that were at that point present in the children’s psychological structure. The use of cutting edge coordinators ought to strengthen the significance of the new materials by giving the system of past learning materials.To decide whether the use of cutting edge coordinators stay powerful you ought to upon its capacity to help new thoughts from the student’s past thoughts. The prereading system of cutting edge coordinators presents how understudies can connect ideas to new learning materials Reference Pearson, C. L. P. (1990). The correlation of the impacts of three prereading advance coordinators on the exacting appreciation of fifth-grade social examinations materials. (Doctoral Dissertation). College of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN.
Environmental Degradation Essay
The disintegration of the earth by common or human powers is known as ecological corruption. Common happenings like overwhelming precipitation, floods, storms, tremors, volcanoes and so on are not under human control and they play destruction with condition time to time by making the land unfit lor development. Here man is defenseless. He can do nothing but to see the destruction. Be that as it may, when man himself assumes a fundamental job in corrupting nature where he lives, and afterward the issue turns out to be progressively genuine. Obviously that ecological debasement is one of the major worldwide issues. The abuse of assets is it land or water and the industrialisation procedure are the significant reasons for this wonder. Man has been felling the tress for his different purposes. He never minds if this procedure goes on without check it will prompt soil disintegration, floods, silting of water system waterways and developed terrains, which at last corrupt our condition. Our populace is expanding quick, which has additionally debased the earth as it were. Man’s unquenchable needs and misery have upset the entire natural harmony. The race of combat hardware among nations is no less liable for this worldwide issue. Aside from these our businesses transmit smoke and release fluids including dirtied water. The smoke contains numerous bothersome gases, for example, carbon monoxide and sulpher dioxide. All borne particles in strong, fluids and vaporous structure. The contamination in climate has propensity to shape their layers and sinks in environment. The chlorofluorocarbons which originate from airborne showers atomic weapons, coolers and so on., have caused an opening in the ozone layer of air. This opening is permitting expanded measure of bright radiation arriving at our earth. The previously mentioned factors have truly corrupted the earth and if approaches to check it are not applied we will have face genuine outcomes. We should stop our ir satiable needs and wants. There must not be unpredictable cutting of trees since it will prompt environmental awkward nature. Rather, we should know the estimation of tree estate and should plant trees the greatest number possible our encompassing region. Next, our consistently developing populace must be checked on the grounds that it puts an additional weight .on our regular assets. Last yet not the least, industrial facilities ought not be permitted to produce huge amounts of destructive effluents into air through their smokestacks. They should release them into the waterways help other water bodies since this grimy water can be dealt with help reused to be utilized once more. Our condition must be ensured definitely. We should understand the way that so long condition is there, our life is there. The day, when there is no condition, there will be a finished fate.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Cloud computing and how it boosts productivity
Cloud computing and how it boosts productivity Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!Cloud computing and how it boosts productivityUpdated On 26/02/2018Author : Ram kumarTopic : BusinessShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogWe live in a world where productivity is quintessential. Not that there was ever a time when productivity was not appreciated or fundamental to growth, but it seems that today, it’s all a business orientated mind should think about. When it comes to saving time, increasing efficiency and overall just boosting productivity, there are few things that do it as bluntly as cloud computing. By cloud computing, we are of course referring to cloud storage and the likes. While it’s obvious how cloud storage can be of help, how exactly does it increase productivity? Stick around and you’ll find out what you can expect by turning to cloud computing.Mobility and versatilityOne of the key aspects of modern-day computing is that we get to work from anywhere, anytime. There was a time not that long ago, relatively, when people were strapped to their chairs and unable to work without staying glued to their desks. Those days are gone and today you can take your work with you anywhere you go. Cloud computing makes that possible and incredibly efficient, because of how tolerant it is with files and data of all sizes and formats. If you’d like to finish your project on the way to work, you can do it, meaning that you won’t be late for the meeting. That should give you an idea of how cloud computing can get you out of a few tough spots, and help you avoid them altogether in other cases.Teamwork and collaborationIt has been proven time and time again that in order to succeed, you need teamwork. Especially in a group endeavor, teamwork is what drives success. But if the team members are very far apart, it can be difficult to actually get any work done. That’s where cloud computing steps in, making its platform available to people no matter where they are on the planet. By being able to communicate and share progress and ideas on a project remotely, you can effectively produce high-level teamwork even without ever meeting your teammates face to face. This is something that big businesses and multinational companies bank on repeatedly.READArbitao: Dawn of the new era of Arbitrage tradingCarrying the heavy loadRemember when we used to have CDs in the office space? Transporting information was not only hard, it was cumbersome and clunky. You only had a very small amount of available space on a disc, and yet you had a lot of data to send over to a superior or colleague. As such, you would often make several trips or spend a lot of time just getting all the discs ready. Things got easier when USB flash drives were introduced and became an industry standard. Today, you can access your information from any computer via the cloud, instantly gaining access to files of any size. This makes it very easy to transport data from one physical device to another, and thus increases productivity dramatically. Not only is it a lot more efficient, but you save a lot of money in the long run by not investing in physical means of transportation for your data.Plenty options to choose fromWhen it comes to specific cloud computing, there are many service providers out there which you can subscribe to. Some, like Google, even offer cloud services like Google Drive for free, with the option of upgrading to a superior storage capacity. There are also platforms designed solely for business, which are tailored to the needs of the entrepreneur in mind. Depending on what you or your team need, you can easily find a cloud service to cater to your requirements.As you can see, cloud computing brings a lot of firepower to a company’s resolve and boosts productivity considerably, even for an individual. If you’re interested to read more about productivity, make sure to check out Helix House. Cloud computing is a valuable resource, but there are more ways in which you can boost productivity.
5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Taking out a Bad Credit Loan
5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Taking out a Bad Credit Loan 5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Taking out a Bad Credit Loan 5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Taking out a Bad Credit LoanOnce you answer these questions, that short-term loan payday loan youve been eyeing might not look like such a great idea anymore.Borrowing money when you have a lousy credit score isn’t easy. There are tons of lenders out there offering easy approval loans, but it can be really hard to figure out which of them are worth it. And choosing the wrong bad credit loan could end up wrecking your finances for a long time to come.That’s why we want to make the process a bit easier for you. Here are five important questions that you should ask before taking out a bad credit loan. The answers to these questions should go a long way towards guiding your decisionâ€"and helping you make the right one.1. What’s the annual interest rate?Okay, so this is a question you should be asking about any personal loan, not just a bad credit loan. But it’s also true that loans for bad creditâ€"even the good onesâ€"are going to come with mu ch higher interest rates than standard personal loans. Choosing the wrong bad credit loan could end up costing you hundreds or even thousands of dollars in additional interest.When you look at the interest rate for short-term bad credit loans like payday loans, you’ll often see an interest rate in the range of $15 per $100 borrowed. That seems a bit high, sure, but you know that this is the cost of borrowing money with poor credit. (These rates will also vary depending on what state you live in.)But with those sorts of loans, the simple interest rate doesn’t tell the whole story. You also need to look at the annual percentage rate, or APR. This is a standardized metric that measures how much a loan would cost over the course of a full year, letting you make cost comparisons across all different kinds of loans.Let’s return to that $15 per $100 borrowed rate: For a two-week payday loan, that cost works out to an APR of 391 percent. That’s a lot! And while it might not seem lik e annual rates would matter when it comes to short-term payday loans, they definitely do. We’ll explain more in later sections.In fact, when it comes to short-term loans, those sorts of sky-high interest rates are pretty common. Title loans, which are secured by the title to your car or truck, come with average APRs of 300 percent, while cash advances loans are pretty much just payday loans using a different name.Checking out a bad credit installment loan could be a good way to sniff out lower annual rates, but your best bet will come with joining a local credit union, many of which offer Payday Alternative Loans (PALs) that come with a max interest rate of 28 percent. Our advice is to join a credit union now so that you’ll be able to access a PAL later.2. Is the loan amortizing?While the overall interest rate on your bad credit loan is going to be important, you’ll also want to make sure that the loan is amortizing. This could be the thing that saves you from getting trapped in a predatory cycle of debt.Amortizing loans don’t charge interest as a single flat fee; they accumulate interest over time, which means that a) your loan will accrue less money in interest as you pay down the principal, and b) that paying your loan off early will save you money overall.(That second benefit assumes that your loan doesn’t charge prepayment penalties. So make sure you find that out as well before borrowing.)But here’s the most important thing about amortization: It ensures that every payment you make goes towards both the principal and the interest. So each time you make a payment towards your loan, you get one step closer towards being out of debt.That seems … pretty obvious, right? Well, unfortunately, it’s not always the case. Short-term bad credit loans often charge interest as a flat fee, and they come with the option of rolling over your loan in order to extend your due date. Rolling over a loan often consists of paying only the interest owed in exch ange for receiving a new loan term, complete with additional interest.For people who struggle to afford their loans, loan rollover can leave them trapped in a dangerous cycle. Every couple weeks or every month they make payments towards the interest owed without ever paying off any of principal loan amount. No matter how many payments they make, they never get any closer towards actually getting out of debt.This is why amortization is so important. If you’re taking out a bad credit loan, choose a loan that has an amortizing payment structureâ€"otherwise, you could find yourself in a cycle of high-interest debt.3. Can I afford the payments?Earlier in this piece, we mentioned that the annual rate for short-term loans can be far more relevant than you might think, which mostly comes down to people not being able to afford their payments. The more that people have to roll over their loan or reborrow another loan in order to make ends meet, the more they end up paying in interest.This is especially relevant when it comes to short-term bad credit loans like payday and title loans. Think about it: If you borrowed $400 at a 15 percent interest rate and then had two weeks to pay back $460, would you be able to swing it? Many can’t, at least not without having to take out another loan in order to pay the rest of their bills and living expenses.In fact, a study from the Pew Charitable Trusts found that only 14 percent of payday loan borrowers had enough money in their budget to make their payments. And data from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has stated that the average payday loan borrower takes out 10 loans per year, spending an average of 200 days in debt.The higher interest rates for bad credit loans are always going to mean some belt-tightening in order to make your payments. But there’s a big, big difference between tightening your belt and having to cinch it so small that you practically cut yourself in half.Bad credit installment loans of ten mean paying more money towards interest overall when compared to payday and title loans, at least on paper. But that longer loan repayment term also means smaller individual payments. Having payments that fit within your budget and let you get out of debt on-schedule can definitely be worth the extra money.4. Do they check my ability to repay?Bad credit loans are also sometimes referred to as “no credit check loans†because the lenders in question don’t do a hard credit check when processing a customer’s application. This makes sense since people applying for these loans already have poor credit scores.But there’s a big difference between not running a hard credit check and not checking whether a customer can afford their loan altogether. One of them speaks to the realities of bad credit borrowing, but the other can be a sign of something far more sinister.Lenders that don’t do any work to verify a customer’s ability to repay their loan could very well be actively hoping that their customers don’t repay on time. That way, they roll over or reborrow their loan, which means increased profits for the lender.On the flip side, lenders who want to check a customer’s ability to repay can run what’s called a “soft†credit check, either from one of the three major credit bureaus (Experian, TransUnion, Equifax) or from an alternative consumer reporting agency.These checks return less information than a hard credit check, but they also won’t affect your credit score. There are also other methods beyond a soft credit checkâ€"like verifying your incomeâ€"that lenders can use to determine your ability to repay a loan.Nobody who has bad credit wants a hard credit check when they’re applying for a loan. All its going to do is ding their credit; that’s the last thing they need! But they should still choose a lender who cares about their ability repay. That’s a sign that this loan will help forge a path to a bright financial future instead of digging their finances into an even deeper hole.5. How do other customers feel?When you’re looking for a place to eat or a new place get your hair cut, do you check the customer reviews? Well, why wouldn’t you do the same thing when deciding to borrow money? The experiences of other customers can tell you loads about what a place is really like.So check out a lender’s customer reviews on Google, and Facebook before applying for a loan. You should check with lending platforms like LendingTree or CreditKarma, as they often have reams of customer feedback and reviews.And go beyond that! Search out the company’s BBB page to see if they’ve had complaints registered against them and how those complaints have been resolved. Even a thorough Google search for the company might turn up information that will sway your decision.There are any host of factors to consider when applying for a bad credit loan, and there are many questions you should be asking beyond the five we’ve liste d here. But possibly the most important question is: What’s the best loan for you? Once you have that figured out, your decision should be an easy one.In the long-term, the best way to avoid predatory bad credit lenders is to fix your credit score! To learn more about improving your score, check out these related posts from OppLoans:5 Tips for Turning Bad Credit into Good CreditWhat’s the Quickest Way to Fix Bad Credit?No Credit Card? Here Are 6 Ways You Can Still Fix Your Credit ScoreWant to Raise Your Credit Score by 50 Points? Here Are Some TipsWhat other questions do you have about borrowing with bad credit? We want to hear from you! You can find us on Facebook and Twitter.
MIT Regional Meetings begin
MIT Regional Meetings begin This week, MIT admissions officers will begin to travel across the United States to conduct information sessions. This week, there will be meetings in Texas, Puerto Rico, and Florida; overall, we will visit 70 cities in the next 6 weeks. You can see if there is a session near you and RSVP here. On Wednesday, I will fly to Florida in preparation for my first regional meeting of the year, Thursday night in Orlando/Winter Park, FL. Amy has already flown to Texas in advance of her meeting in Dallas, and Jenny flies to Puerto Rico tomorrow. You might be wondering, what happens at these meetings? What should you expect? First, the admissions officer and the local Educational Counselors (MIT alumni interviewers, also known as ECs) will greet attendees at the door. If youve RSVPed (please do!), youll be able to check your name and go in; if you havent, well ask you to sign in. Well have some special publications and materials you can pick up as well. The meeting itself will last no longer than 90 minutes. Each admissions officers presentation varies somewhat, but will cover the same information. Well talk about MIT: academics, research, student life, Boston/Cambridge, MIT culture. What makes MIT different from other universities? How might you know whether or not MIT is a good match for you? We will of course talk about admissions, including the different application components, the deadlines, what makes an applicant competitive, how we make decisions on which students to admit. Well provide advice and tips wherever we can. Money and financial aid will be discussed. How do you apply for financial aid? Should you apply for it? What should I expect? Also, the local ECs will introduce themselves. Theyll talk about what MIT looks for in an interview and give you some advice. This is also a good chance for students to meet their interviewer face-to-face and to set up a time for their interview. We will always finish with an open QA. Well take as many questions as we can and do our best to answer every question fully. Ive found that even students and families who dont have any questions find it interesting and helpful to hear other peoples questions and the corresponding answer. Ill be blogging fairly frequently about our regional meetings, especially during my trips to Florida and California. Ill try to post some photos, too, so you can see what these meetings can look like. Doing the regional meetings is one of my favorite times of the year. I really enjoy coming to you and seeing your city. Each meeting has a different vibe but the excitement level for both families and for me is always evident. I look forward to meeting many of you in Florida and southern California, and I hope others of you will say hello to my colleagues who come to your area.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Essay On The Stranger - 1010 Words
The Stranger Essay The Stranger by Albert Camus is an analysis of the human psychosis if it was isolated and apathetic. Throughout the story, our protagonist, Meursault, tells the story of his life after his mother’s death and his experiences with everyday routines. Meursault explains to the reader only the surface of what he is feeling; despite that, as a reader, one is able to view his mind directly and closely. Meursault has all the power in this book because it is his life and mind. He is able to put things in his own perspective, not one’s. As the reader vicariously moves through Meursault’s world, we see how he interacts with others, despite his indifference with interacting with society. Being around characters such as Marie or†¦show more content†¦That is why his need for Marie is important; she is an uncomplicated passage to the world for Meursault. They seem to be similar people as they live uneventful lives. For the times he mentions Marie, one can conclude she is for being youthful and enjoying simple pleasures such as swimming and sex, like Meursault. She desires marriage and romance to which Meursault agrees to as he does not mind for her sake. He enjoys her company yet is not deeply attached to her; it is nothing deeper than just casual sex and conversation, which helps the reader infer how one desires to not be lonely. The next person Meursault tells us about is a beastly man named Raymond. Raymond is presented as a brusque personality with a short stout and a temper to match. He comments that it is a shame that old Salamano hits his dog yet beats his girl like a dog misbehaving. Raymond is a compromising character from what a reader can gather from Meursaults point of view. He speaks of his struggles with his girl, who may or may not be a prostitute, and throughout chapter III he goes on about himself, perhaps to explain himself so he is not judged by Meursault. Often when Raymond asks for Meursaults assistance, Meursault is contempt in doing whatever is asked. Meursault says what he thinks and follows his own laws of limitation which is shocking to society. Meursault seems to identify with Ray’s brutish and frank character as a normality trait for humans. Raymond beats up anyone who has wrongedShow MoreRelatedThe Stranger Essays556 Words  | 3 Pagesway because we are just misunders tood or as Albert Camus would say â€Å"strangers†to society. The stranger is a man lost in his own world where no one understands him but himself. This man was portrayed as a monster, un-human, and even heartless all because he chose not to express his emotions or feeling to the world. You may ask well how does this relate to me ? Well your about to find out why. In Albert Camus’s Novel â€Å"The Stranger†Meursault was portrayed as a man with irony, tragic hero qualitiesRead MoreEssay The Stranger754 Words  | 4 Pages nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Albert Camus’ The Stranger, is told by narrarator, Meursault . Our speaker seems to be a person detached from feelings, he shows no emotion. Neither the external world in which Meursault lives nor the internal world of his thoughts and attitudes possesses any rational order. He doesn’t have reasons for doing half of the things he does. For these reasons I believe Meursault is determined, but doesn’t know it. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Our protagonist and narraratorRead More The Stranger Essay1496 Words  | 6 PagesAlbert Camus creates a series of characters in The Stranger whose personality traits and motivations mirror those that are overlooked upon by the average man. Camus develops various characters and scenarios that show true humanity which tends to have been ignored due to the fact of how typical it has become. Camus incorporates abominable personality traits of the characters, variety, consistency, and everyone’s fate. Camus demonstrates the disregarded reason behind the origins of relationships betweenRead MoreEssay On A Stranger1597 Words  | 7 PagesAlright, so first and foremost we have to look at every possible suspect. I believe that our options are (in rough order of probability): 1. Another human 2. An extraterrestrial 3. An unexplained scientific phenomenon 4. A paranormal entity [b]1. The Human Angle[/b] Lets start with the possibility that it was another human, or group of humans. Obviously this would imply that mankind has reached technological levels FAR beyond what the average person believes we currently possess. Despite thisRead More The Stranger Essay879 Words  | 4 PagesThe Stranger The Stranger exhibits a society that has confined itself with a specific set of social standards that dictate the manner in which people are supposed to act. This ideology determines the level of morality, and how much emphasis should placed on following this certain ethical structure. Albert Camuss main character, Meursault, is depicted as a nonconformist that is unwilling to play societys game. Through Meursaults failure to comply with societys values and conform toRead MoreThe Stranger Essay1048 Words  | 5 PagesAlbert Camus influential novel, The Stranger, a great work of existentialism, examines the absurdity of life and indifference of the world. This paper provides a summary of the novel, and outlines some of the novels main themes. The novels protagoinist, Meursault, is a distanced and indifferent young man. He does not believe in God, and lives his life with seemingly sensuous abandon. After Meursault is caught up in the life of a local pimp, he rather inexplicably murders a young man on theRead More The Stranger Essay962 Words  | 4 PagesThe Stranger The Stranger was originally written in French. When Stuart Gilbert translated the novel, he came across a small problem. â€Å"The title of Camus’ classic novel is difficult to render into English because the French word bears the connotations of both ‘stranger’ and ‘foreigner’ at the same time, and each of these concepts is at play in the novel.†(Mairowitz1) Finding the right translation was crucial because the title is symbolic. â€Å"The Stranger symbolizes the theme of theRead More The Stranger Essay1301 Words  | 6 PagesWhile reading The Stranger I noticed that traits that Albert Camus character depicts in the book are closely related to the theories of Sigmund Freud on moral human behavior. Albert Camus portrays his character of Meursault as a numb, emotionless person that seems to mindlessly play out his role in society, acting in a manner that he sees as the way he’s supposed to act, always living in the moment with his instincts driving him, and if the right circumstance presents itself the primal deep seededRead MoreEssay The Stranger1275 Words  | 6 PagesThe Stranger In the book The Stranger, the main character, Meursault, is a stranger to himself, and to life. Meursault is a person who is emotionally and physically detached from the world. He seemingly cares only about himself, but at the same time could be concerned little about what happens to him. The title, the Stranger, could indicate Meursaults disconnection and indifference to the world that surrounds him and, therefore, his role as a stranger in the book. The title could also implyRead MoreThe Stranger Essay963 Words  | 4 PagesThe Stranger Chris Drusbosky 3/5/12 Professor Krauss In the story â€Å"The Stranger†by Albert Camus, the belief that the themes of loss and retrieval are at the core of Mersault’s mythology, and that they illumine the notion of exile to which he returns so often is widely discussed. I however do not believe that either one of those themes has anything to do with the Mersault and the exile to which he returns to so often, rather I believe that Mersault’s own attitude is the reason for the exile
Effectiveness And Efficacy Of The Healthcare Organization
Regulations are established to expand the effectiveness and efficacy of the healthcare organization. One of biggest health care issue among the system is Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) violations. It was passed by the Congress in 1996. Mandating this rule serves several purposes to all individuals for privacy and security. This includes all information that is verbal, written, or electronic. The Privacy Rule is the protection health information (PHI) of a patient and it cannot be disclosed without patient’s written authorization (Schulman, 2005). The Security Rule is emphasized on administrative, technical and physical safeguards specifically for electronic protection health information from unapproved access (Schulman, 2005). It is to authorize the process of patient’s demographics, medical records, and doctor visits for any form of mail or electronic payment/ claims. The False Claim Act applies to physicians whereas it is unlawful to submi t claims for expenses to Medicare or Medicaid (Hyman, 2002). So it’s vital for doctors to acknowledge HIPAA on not losing their medical license. Also, it decreases the provision of health care fraud and abuse. Department of Justice and the U.S. attorneys enforced the federal criminal law (Hyman, 2002). In criminal cases, offense can go up to life imprisonment. Punishments are $100 per failure and cannot exceed $25,000 per year (Schulman, 2005). For civil, violators are fined for the statutory penalty andShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Telemedicine On Health, A Systematic Literature Review1530 Words  | 7 Pagesoutcomes, efficacy, patient and provider satisfaction. Telemedicine as an emerging field can greatly improve the outcomes of healthcare thus resulting in decrease the delivery cost of healthcare. 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Interpersonal Essay Based on a Movie - 840 Words
Introduction â€Å"Men and women cant be friends, because sex always gets in the way†, is the main theme of the movie â€Å"When Harry met Sally†. The script is a good example of the interpersonal communication ten stage model by Mark Knapp. This developmental model entails the stages of a relationship from it’s infancy to an ending. In the movie we can clearly identify all ten stages of this model. Stage # 1 - Initiating According to the Knapp model, the beginning of every relationshipâ€â€especially an intimate, romantic or close friendshipâ€â€begins with the initiation stage. This stage involves the initial contact with another person. In the movie the stage of initiation begins when Harry and Sally meet for the first time and prepare to share a†¦show more content†¦Harry asks Sally if she would like to spend the night at a motel. This dialogue leads to an interesting point of view that men and women in general cannot be friends. However, this stage is not fully developed at this point but has helped them both as a foundation for later encounters. The scene ends with the arrival to New York City. Many years later they meet again on several occasions but the intensifying stage does not resume until they finally become friends and share details about their past failed relationships. During this period they start spending a considerable amount of time together and their expression of feelings toward the other becomes more intense. We see the beginnings of a true interpersonal relationship development. Stage # 4 - Integrating If a relationship strengthens the integration stage begins. During this stage there is a sense of unity and belonging. In the movie as their friendship grows, the integration stage begins at a New Year’s Eve party where they dance together and they recognize that what they feel is more than friendship. Though it takes some time for them to realize their deep feelings, from this point on they are very integrated. They feel closer than ever before, they do things together, they have fights, they get jealous with one another and they comfort each other and have sex. Stage # 6 - Differentiating Soon after integration both feelShow MoreRelatedInterpersonal Communication Theories And Concepts1686 Words  | 7 PagesQuestion have you ever thought about the different Interpersonal Communication theories/concepts we use on a daily basis, I have thought about it long and hard to figure out how many different communication theories in our life we use or even in a favorite movie we love to watch. 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Other factors that affect leisure choices and experience are gender stereotypes, ethnicity, disability, class etc. I have experienced and currently experience certain benefits from leisure and constraints to leisure which will be further discussed in this essay. Leisure Benefits and Contribution to Well-being The different leisure lifestyles I take part in namely casual leisure, serious leisure and project based leisure have diverseRead MoreEssay about The Problem of Groupthink in 12 Angry Men934 Words  | 4 Pagesleadership, in addition social background of group members. The third, situational context includes the circumstances of the groups meeting, social roles and expected behavior. This notion is exemplified during the movie, 12 Angry Men. The purpose of this essay is to examine the movie content to display the groupthink symptoms in place. Groupthink consists of eight major factors that occur during the films scenes, as the twelve men debate a premeditated murder court case. All of the factors continueRead MoreFilm Review : Nineteen Shades Of Grey1523 Words  | 7 Pagessuccess earning over 571 million dollars worldwide (Mendelson). The film is written by British Author E. L James and among the star cast are included Dakota Johnson playing as Anastasia Steele and Jamie Dorna n playing as Christian Grey (James). This essay analyzes the film and characters in terms of their relationship and different features of the story line. The story revolves around the sadomasochistic relationship between a young college graduate, Anastasia Steele and young and rich business magnateRead MoreBruiser Film Analysis1551 Words  | 7 Pages Another aspect of nonverbal language incorporated into the movie is haptics, or communication through physical touch (Wood, 2013). 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Attitudes are not somethingRead MoreThe Two Step Flow Theory1474 Words  | 6 Pageson the flow of influence through media outlets to opinion leaders, who then interpret their own ideas to the less interested mass audience. This theory, suggested by Paul Lazarsfeld, was a significant advance in media communication research. This essay will go into detail on Paul Lazarfeld’s The People’s Choice study which provided the research for his theory and the continuation of his work through the Rovere and Decatur study. Before the Two Step Flow method, the Hypodermic Needle Model was aRead MoreThe Moral Principles Of Ethics1352 Words  | 6 Pagessociological theory. Philosophers has studied and attempted to answer how and where the self’s moral principle generated from. Ethics has been one of the strongest foundation of social structure. Many society developed and structured their moral principle based on reason, self-preservation and spirituality. Each one these sources contributed or dominated the moral values of society and therefore had different ideas on what was right and wrong. Many society used fear to instill goodness in the self and thereforeRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie My Sisters Keeper 1627 Words  | 7 PagesThe movie â€Å"My sisters keeper†is about 13 year-old Anna, who sues her parents for medical emancipation when she is expected to donate a kidney to her sister Kate, who has leukemia. This essay will focus on three events in Anna’s life, and discuss how each event in the characters life had an affect on her physical, psychosocial and cognitive development. The events that will be discussed are: how being brought into the world to save Kate affected Anna’s psychosocial development, how having to undergo
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Essay about Cause and Effect Gambling - 774 Words
Cause and Effect: Gambling Throughout life we take chances with many different things. We take chances for ourselves, and we take chances for others close to us. Chances are things which will give you so much good in your life if you go for the right things and succeed when taking the chance. As is everything in this life taking chances are all and only good within moderation. When you take yourself to an abusive level with anything it becomes dangerous for you and all who surround you. An unsuccessful gambler may carry the same attributes of a very greedy person. A greedy person is someone who always wants more, and in essence a person gambling is looking to get more then they have. Gambling is considered to be addictive for many†¦show more content†¦The reason the gambler turns to these things is to ease their mind and hide their feelings. This way of coping with losing could ultimately result into hurting financially, as well as emotionally, and even physically. The firs t problem the gambler will face will be financial loss. The first thing to go in gambling is your wallet, and unfortunately one of the most commonly related problems to depression is debt. Losing money will affect the mindset of the gambler causing possible depression. This is when the problem reaches the emotional aspect it may take. The chain of events continues from depression on ward to abuse among substances, most commonly drugs and alcohol. Drugs and alcohol are substances made to relax the mind and take them away from the reality of things. The reality of the situation is that all drugs and alcohol will do is further affect the gambler financially as well as emotionally, and physically. When abuse of alcohol and drugs is brought to the home life of someone all it brings is deceit and ultimately pain. If the gambler has a family life the habits of drugs and alcohol will be tried to be concealed by the user to not hurt anyone else, and ultimately the truth surfaces taking an e ven bigger toll on the gambler. The abuse of alcohol and drugs is also closely related to physical abuse. Being intoxicated on drugs and alcohol can in fact lead to abusing close friends or family. It is most likely never said, but gambling can lead aShow MoreRelatedCause and Effect Gambling Addiction Essay1038 Words  | 5 PagesCause and Effect in Gambling Addiction Gambling becomes type of addiction for most people who are involved in game. People may look that gambling can be a pleasure in seeking behavior; but sometimes, it can be really difficult to stop this kind of activity or even avoid a certain type of emotional pain once they started it. Gambling is the main reason of divorce right now and a separation of a family members’. Some researchers think that addictive gambling can be referred as a type of mental disorderRead MoreGambling in The Bahamas: Should it Be Legalized? 1821 Words  | 7 PagesBahamians about their views on gambling. The referendum asked Bahamians if they supported the regularization and taxation of web shop gaming. As noted in the results, the mass of the Bahamian people voted no against the referendum. Today, the gambling issue has reawakened and Bahamians are now in a fight against the laws of their country. Several Bahamians believe that the law discriminates against Bahamians because it prohibits Baha mians from owning and legally gambling in casinos within in their homelandRead MoreGambling Essay1227 Words  | 5 Pagesworld today such as, drug, alcohol, sex, eating, or gambling addictions. One might ask the question, is one addiction more serious than another or are all addictions equally destructive? In particular, is an addiction such as gambling as serious as an addiction to drugs or alcohol? Research suggests a gambling addiction is less severe than a drug or alcohol addiction because drug or alcohol addictions are psychological and physical, can cause other addictions, can result directly in deaths, andRead MoreGambling Is An Intriguing Human Activity1695 Words  | 7 PagesGambling is an intriguing human activity. It changes individuals in many ways and continues to develop increasingly since gambling was introduced. Gambling has been a form of entertainment for many more years than it seems. â€Å"During the year of 1497, John Cabot found a native population wh o played a bunch of games of chance†. (â€Å"Gambling 101†) Unfortunately, around 1892, all gambling activities were banned by the Canadian criminal code. (â€Å"Gambling 101†) As the years went by, the rules became lessRead MoreBenefits Of Gambling Among College Students1147 Words  | 5 PagesGambling Among College Students Gambling is risking money or something of value on uncertain events driven by chance. Most people see gambling as just another form of fun. Gambling often becomes a sensitive issue for the gambler and their family. This is especially important to consider, since the practice of gambling among college students is constantly growing with the rise of internet-based gambling.Though gambling is legal in many states, it does not make it right for people to engage in suchRead MoreEffects of Gambling1138 Words  | 5 PagesTHE EFFECTS OF GAMBLING Most people with gambling problems say they lost control over how much time and money they spend gambling. Meanwhile, they ignored other responsibilities. For them, gambling is an activity that are important to them. Those who gamble excessively often bring problems for the one they love. The effects of gambling can be classified into individuals, family and the society. Each of them had different aspect. With the problems that been brought by thoseRead MoreEssay on Gambling Creates Lots of Problems896 Words  | 4 Pagesstress and need entertainment to release it. Since gambling is one of the entertainment can release stress, the population of gambler has become millions. However, problem gambling has become a serious social problem. This essay will discuss the negative effects of gambling which include financial and health problems. Then it will discuss the solution for gambling, which includes governments’ regulation, self-control and education. Problem gambling causes financial problem, which can lead to crime andRead MoreGambling Is An Extremely Well Liked And Entertaining Activity For The Canadian Population1530 Words  | 7 PagesGambling is an extremely well liked and entertaining activity for the Canadian population. In theory, gambling can be a sense of fun and games, yet it has always been inevitably linked to the Canadian Criminal Code. It has been noticed that, â€Å"Canadians spend more on legal, government-promoted gambling than on clothing, shoes and medicine combined†(Hutchison, 1999). In 1892 all forms of gambling were banned in Canada, with the exception of horse racing (Stevens, R., 2005). Throughout the years CanadiansRead MoreThe Ethical Problems of Gambling Essay example883 Words  | 4 PagesThere are times where gambling can be harmful to yourself and that harm can spread to your friends and family. Gambling can pose problems by inflicting mental and financial harm on a person endowed wit h the constant need to gamble. There is another way that gambling can effect a person in a negative manner and it includes the physical harm gambling can cause. Gambling is often associated with alcohol consumption especially alcohol consumption that is excessive in nature. Gambling is also associatedRead MoreDid You Know That There Is Such A Thing Called Problem1570 Words  | 7 Pagesproblem gambling otherwise known as gambling addiction? According to, â€Å"gambling is a diverse activity, so different types of gambling addiction exist as well†. Gambling addiction is a problem where it begins slowly and grows overtime until the victim’s life has become difficult to control. Only recently has this disorder been recognized as an addiction. According to Wikipedia, â€Å"Problem gambling (or ludomania, but usually referred to as gambling addiction or compulsive gambling) is
Vanity vs Honesty - 825 Words
Vanity vs. Honesty Many people find themselves caught up in the everyday acts of vanity and honesty. Everyday people make decisions out of honesty or out of vanity. The changing of our society in everyday life is due to vanity. Even though most people are constantly acting out of vanity, you will find in some cases when circumstances change, people act more honestly, but ultimately vanity rules over honesty. Many individuals act out of vanity until the situation of things change for the worse for them. For example, an individual named Joe with no health problems may have no interest in contributing to the numerous cancer foundations that search cures for cancer and support those in need who suffer from the illness. He goes on with†¦show more content†¦Don’t get me wrong though; there are people out there that dress honestly for religion or just for their own personal preferences. There are some exceptions, as there is with any given rule, that you may find some individuals at Edmond Me morial still wearing Abercrombie and Fitch and some adults still rocking the short shorts and parachute pants. Styles do change, as well as clothing brands, and proves that people do dress out of vanity, with the exception of a few. Vanity and honesty are constantly changing everyday life from what clothes we wear or the decisions we make. The majority of individuals in society are constantly acting out of both, but what you will find is that most decisions that people make are out of vanity. Though, when circumstances change for the worse, people start behaving more honestly. All in all, there is an overruling amount of vanity in society than there is honesty, but with the exception of a small amount of honestShow MoreRelatedThe Questionnaire For Celebrity s Credibility Will Use Ohanian s Model1356 Words  | 6 PagesEthical issues All participants’ identity, except for nationality, will not be recorded on the questionnaire to keep the confidentiality. Anonymity will increase participants honesty (Aaker, 1996). All assistant researchers will be trained in survey methodology and administration, in order to maintain their professionalism during data collection. This adequate training will be applied to data analyser and researcher as well. Measurement The questionnaires used in this research are adapted fromRead MoreModest Proposal by Jonathan Swift Essay1490 Words  | 6 Pagessociety and the idea of a utopia or a perfect world. In the story, England symbolizes deficiency- no one likes England or what they do. In Ireland, each individual is fighting society in order to be able to eat dinner at night which relates to individual vs. society. The main idea in Gulliver’s Travels is the more we truly see humans, the less we want to be near them. Both works criticize the political and social issues going on in 1700 Ireland and England and were written to enlighten others about theRead MoreLeadership in the New Millenium Essay3733 Words  | 15 Pagesoverbearing at best and often times can leads to a person’s demise. There is a distinct difference yet subtle between arrogance and self confidence; the latter being good. One can have confidence in himself, which is good, but not to the point of vanity. Often times lead ers who are arrogant can not relate nor do they want to relate sometimes to the feelings or opinions of the subordinates. They have too little respect for the opinions of others. Sometimes arrogance leads to micro-managing whichRead MoreHow I Read Literature Like A Professor Notes3177 Words  | 13 Pagesthat proves as deadly as disease o Self-destruction o Clash between adult wisdom and child recklessness †¢ Human struggles o Protect family o Maintain dignity o Remain faithful o Return home †¢ Types of conflict- o Man vs. nature o Man vs. supernatural o Man vs. man o Man vs. self o Man vs. society Chapter 10- Setting and Weather †¢ Weather is never just weather †¢ Establishes mood and foreshadowing †¢ Rain is used as a plot device †¢ Atmospherics- rain is mysterious †¢ Rain can also be cleansing and bringRead MoreProblems of Society (Law, Crime, Punishment)7483 Words  | 30 Pagesbut not everyone is made of steel so as to defend themselves against the demonic forces - destructive emotions and detrimental attitudes: fear, ignorance, hatred, worry, revenge, envy, attachment, greed, lust, selfishness, doubt, prejudice, pride, vanity, impatience, sloth, discrimination, arrogance, ambition, addiction, gluttony, criticism, blame, anxiety, frustration and so on. We all get attacked by those faulty ethereal goblins of our minds and hearts, but most of us succeed to resist them. ItsRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words  | 862 Pagesagreement to demarcate territories, live and let live within those boundaries, and then formulate specific rigid and observable contracts on a point-by-point basis as needed. It is naà ¯ve to try to shortcut this process by methods that encourage openness, honesty, and vulnerability. Similarly, when problems can be resolved by better understanding and clarity, it is â€Å"paranoid†to be willing only to deal in legalistic and distinct contractual terms. The methodology for dealing with any two subsystems in conflictRead MoreMonsanto: Better Living Through Genetic Engineering96204 Words  | 385 PagesANALYSIS INDUSTRY DEFINITION Delta Faucet competes in the residential and commercial bathroom and kitchen accessory industry.This industry is characterised by the manufacture, sales and distribution of kitchen, bath and laundry products such as vanity basins, taps, and sinks to the building and construction industry as well as to various retailers throughout China. Delta Faucet serves two main customer types, namely, dealers who purchase and then resell to the building contractors in the constructionRead MoreStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words  | 1351 PagesCompetitive strength †¢ Market share †¢ Relative share †¢ Relative quality †¢ Patents †¢ Customer coverage Performance Value-added structure †¢ Investment intensity †¢ Fixed vs liquid assets †¢ Capacity utilization †¢ Productivity †¢ Make vs buy People and organization †¢ Lean organization †¢ Participative culture †¢ Incentives †¢ Training †¢ Insiders vs outsiders Figure 3.26 PIMS can quantify how strategic factors drive performance The second group describes how a business differs from its competitors in its
Education Around The World - 1581 Words
Paper One Introduction: â€Å"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.†- Nelson Mandela With over 6,000 colleges and universities in the United Statesâ€â€a number that is continually increasing every year, even schools with longstanding traditions and reputations are being forced to compete not only locally but also globally (IES). According to the most recent Open Doors report from the IIE, there are over 800,000 F1-VISA international students now studying in the USA. The top majors include Business Administration, Engineering, and Information Science. Not only are non-profit schools having to compete on a global level, but these schools are now forced to compete with for-profit schools which often have enormous marketing budgets, creative campaigns, and the ability to change direction at the flip of a dime. In Leonard Mlodinow’s book Subliminal, there are three prominent studies which may be of benefit to school administrators and marketing teams. The first study involved factors contributing to a greater consumption of popcorn. At first this may seem like an unrelated study, but as we will see the subsequent questions and studies that follow lead to greater insight into the consumer decision-making process. The second study relates the building blocks of learning and lifeâ€â€in which toddlers showed favoritism to shapes that were portrayed as benevolent as opposed to hostile. The final study in which we will discuss in this paperShow MoreRelatedPublic Education Systems around the World1953 Words  | 8 PagesFinnish National Board of Education (FNBE) is responsible for the developed work of the Finnish study programs. The FNBE is supervised by the Ministry of Education and Cul-ture. The FNBE regulates the national directions and objects for the pre-primary and basic education, general and vocational upper secondary education and training and adult education. The FNBE is coordinating also the qualifications which are required in each study program. (The Finnish National Board of Education 2012.) Public authoritiesRead MoreEducation Is An Important Foundation For People All Around The World1525 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Education has become such an important foundation for people all around the world. Education differs from country to country. Education is very unique, education in the United States is not the same as it is in China. How can one explore their differences? Well, one can explore the importance of education, the education systems, higher education and the financial costs of education in both the United States and China. Importance of Education People all around the world attend schoolRead MoreThe Importance Of An Education During The Beginnings Of Civilizations Around The World Essay1571 Words  | 7 Pages The importance of an education has increasingly been promoted throughout the beginnings of civilizations around the world. During the early centuries, there was a push in order to achieve advancements in technologies and improve everyday life. Another reason was in regards to religious faith, to become informed about those practices and ways to reach salvation. Contrastingly, there was a need for the rulers to keep their subjects in their place, to make sure that their intellect would not interfereRead MoreEducation Is A Central Need Of All People Around Over The World1543 Words  | 7 PagesEducation considers as a central need of all people around over the world. All children have the whole right to learn. According to Aske, Connolly, Corman, (2012), â€Å"all children in the United States have the right to a publicly supported education regardless of race, social class or religious beliefs is an American value.†The important point that we should take care of in the rights of education do not look at students’ social levels, race, and religions. Therefore, early reformers attempted andRead MoreEducation Is A Central Need Of All People Around Over The World1543 Words  | 7 PagesEducation considers as a central need of all people around over the world. All children have the whole right to learn. According to Aske, Connolly, Corman, (2013), â€Å"all children in the United States have the right to a publicly supported education regardless of race, social class or religious beliefs is an American value.†The important point that we should take care of in the rights of education do not look at students’ social levels, race, and religions. Therefore, early reformers attempted andRead MoreMalala s Journey Is Important For Females Education934 Words  | 4 Pageswas shot on October 10, 2014, it sent waves around the world. It was making education a household word, everyone was talking about it. Various opinions on how females should be educated, whether or not they deserve an education arose. Malala’s journey was important for females education because it was no longer something that could be ignored, it became a social issue that everyone would become passionate about like Malala. Like Malala said, â€Å"When the world is silent, one voice becomes powerful.†HerRead MoreMalala Yousafzai s An Equal Rights Activist1374 Words  | 6 Pages Across the world people think of Malala Yousafzai as one of the most revolutionary women in the world for her stance against heresy and gender discrimination. She has showed through example that she is willing to give her life in the defense of her beliefs regarding women’s rights to education. Malala is an equal rights activist; she continually fights for women to have the same rights as all other people. Malala has endured a long and dangerous path to make people aware of the discrimination andRead MoreThe Current Male Of Female Literacy Ratio1237 Words  | 5 Pages Image waking up and being forced to work until your body was worn out, this is a reality for many girls around the world. People all around the world have tried to find a solution, but the best answer is an education. Most boy and men do not have this problem because in most cultures it is only acceptable to educate males. 62 million girls around the world are not in school. Millions more are fighting just to stay in their schools. In Pakistan, the current male to female literacy ratio is stillRead MoreHow Overpopulation Affects Education Being in a classroom full of twenty people is a normal800 Words  | 4 PagesHow Overpopulation Affects Education Being in a classroom full of twenty people is a normal persons day, but being in a room full of seventy people is an example of overpopulation affecting education. Overpopulation in education affects the people and children very much. It affects the kids by the way they are being taught and the distractions around them. The overcrowding in classrooms cause many children to feel more negative. They feel more negative because most kids in a crowded roomRead Moreenglish quotation essay1471 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change yourself and the world. There is a reason why every civilization throughout time has valued education,because it truly can alter our collective condition and make our lives easier, simpler, and most crucially, happier! From Egyptians learning to write on papyrus tablets to late nineteenth century scientists striving to discover medicines like penicillin, there has always been an urge in humanity to be better and to be more than
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Science and Students The World of Tomorrow
Everyone says this generation is the future, the people and the citizens of tomorrow’s society. Except if this generation is not educated to grow and progress with the planet and learn how to help it, there will be no â€Å"next generation†; the earth simply will not be able to sustain our life forms. This is why science education is important to the future of our lives and our planet. Where if not for the innovation of science and its cures, we would still be living in the Dark Ages where the simple flu would have killed a family, and smallpox and other diseases caused epidemics and panics. Every day science classes are educating kids on the basics and the higher levels of science. Out of all these kids a few are bound to become doctors and†¦show more content†¦This is actually very accurate, because when doctors perform major surgery they hold someone else’s life in their hands. If the doctor wasn’t educated the person on the table would die. S cience education is not only helping in the field of medicine, it is also helping in many other subjects, for many businesses go hand in hand. So observe how fast technology and other fields are moving into the 21st century. Mostly because there have been even more skilled scientists and people with even a common knowledge of science that all contribute to help save mother nature. Another reason that teaching kids about science is significant is that when they are taught about the planet that they live on and how it works, they are also taught how to take care of it. An interesting quote found in Time was â€Å"Don’t blow it - good planets are hard to find†(Time). Although quite ironic, it’s true. Right now cars and vehicles are helping people everywhere, but they are also causing air pollution. Here is where science comes in. Science may have helped build the cars but it is also working to improve the cars by creating less air pollution than past vehicles. Alt hough no one has figured out how to solve everything yet with one simple answer, through teaching kids about science they will hopefully be able to make the right decisions using what they have been taught and also to help clear pollution. Also no one knows the future, maybe one of the kids may even find the answerShow MoreRelatedThe Problem Of Computer Programming Education974 Words  | 4 PagesThrough the Educate to Innovate Initiative, the current administration has made the case that investments in STEM programs (science, technology, engineering and math) are essential to maintaining the status of international competitiveness. But since the start of the program in 2009, the importance of computer programming education is still being misunderstood and inadequately addressed. Though the administration has tried to get more technology into schools, it’s failed to teach kids what couldRead MoreThe Modern World1742 Words  | 7 Pagesknowledge is the key to life. Thi s is why throughout history so many have attempted to eradicate this fortunate part of our life. The Babylonians sabotaged the library of Assurbanipal in Nineveh, which was the first and finest known library of the ancient world, and it held the Epic of Gilgamesh as well as countless alternative tablets that may have occupied the answers to today’s conflicts. Another example confirming knowledge is everything is when Adolf Hitler threw books into the scorching fire to destroyRead Moreunity is strength981 Words  | 4 Pagessociety community gradually country finally a long tale of the world where the terminology Unity stand as vivacious virtue of the human world. Man is a rational being of the universe. He doesn t have masculine claws as tiger, he can t run as fast as leopard nor he can produce food for himself though the united force of people have supported them to possess conjuring power .They are lord of all and superior then any other beings of the world. Unity is the virtue ofRead MoreClassrooms Must Access the Internet Essay1241 Words  | 5 Pagestechnology of tomorrow. Computer classes have been created along with typing courses to aid students in every way possible in preparing them for the world of tomorrow. Not knowing how to use a computer will be like not knowing how to drive a car. There are ways of getting around the absence of a computer, but most of society will depend on them. The use of computers makes numerous tasks easier and quicker to accomplish. One advantage all children should have in the writing room is access to the World WideRead MoreThe Educational Evolution Of Education Essay1006 Words  | 5 Pagesmemories and understanding the realities of the present, to me are my tools to shape up the future. Education over the years has gone a notch higher and eminent in our present world. The educational evolution dating from 50 years back in time up till now, has impacted the str ength we possess as a nation, a continent and the world at large. Backtracking the evolution to 50 years ago dates back to the 1960’s. Education at that period in time was tough and seen as the luxury of the rich. There were strugglesRead MoreThe Program For International Student Assessment1685 Words  | 7 Pagesgeneration of tomorrow. The Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) is prime evidence that we need STEM education to widen across the nation. It is an international assessment that measures students reading, mathematics, and science literacy skills and is taken every three years. Sadly, results seem to be plummeting, for example in 2009 the U.S. ranked 24 in math and 19 in science. Now, in the most recent assessment, 2012, we are now in 29th place in math and 22nd in science. This has raisedRead MoreU.S. Education Today Tomorrow1325 Words  | 6 PagesU.S. Education Today Tomorrow This paper reviews four important trends in our educational system today across America and discusses the impact of these trends on our future educational system. We live in an ever evolving world with constant changes that are affecting every aspect of our lives daily. Our educational system has not been immune to these changes and shouldn’t be since these changes and our ability to adapt to these changes will determine our future academic success and our place inRead MorePersuasive Speech Conclusion1131 Words  | 5 PagesAs I sat in my seventh grade science class, I tiredly watched my classmates display their science fair projects. Presentations about which laundry detergent works best and the density of objects like eggs and oranges, nearly bored me to tears. After all of my classmates finished their presentations, my teacher Ms. Arriola told me to stay after class. Why does she want me to stay after class? Did she hate my project? Did I do something wrong? My mind race d with all the possibilities and probabilitiesRead MoreThe Teaching Of Computer Science900 Words  | 4 Pagessame amount of attention as others do. One course in particular is computer science or the teaching of HTML. HyperText Markup Language, commonly abbreviated as HTML, is the standard markup language used to create web pages. Along with CSS, and JavaScript, HTML is a cornerstone technology used to create web pages, as well as to create user interfaces for mobile and web applications. (â€Å"HTML†) The teaching of computer science or HTML is a valuable skill that goes unnoticed in most high schools nowadaysRead MoreWe Must Work to Overcome Procrastination Essay1486 Words  | 6 PagesFinal exams are due tomorrow and you better get studying. You open your book and notes only to realize it might take all night to review those 13 chapters! Now you have no choice but to ignore Netflix, your DVR list, and bring out that extra caffeine! Didn’t you plan to study du ring the week? Oh wait†¦ you did on Wednesday, but instead watched funny cat videos on YouTube. Well those cats were hilarious and at least you spent the day doing something you enjoyed. These arguments we have with ourselves
Essay Graduation Speech - 1236 Words
Isnt it strange how princes and kings And clowns who caper in sawdust rings And common folk, like you and me Are builders for eternity. For each is given a bag of tools, A shapeless mass, and a set of rules. And each of us, a life is flown, Must either build a stumbling block or stepping stone. Builders for eternity ... what an awe-inspiring thought: That you and I not would be, nor could be, but are builders for eternity. On this day, the seventh of June 2006, at our high school graduation night, the night we say goodbye to the structured life high school offers, the night we say goodbye to friends and teachers that have impacted our lives in so many ways. This night, as we bid farewell and invite the broad,†¦show more content†¦He put forth all the effort it took to make his dream a reality despite the odds against him. Martin Luther King is a man who illustrated the third E beautifully. The third E is for Essential. Imagine a world where everyone built himself into someone who was essential to his family, neighborhood, or a group of otherwise lonely people. Martin Luther King was a hero because he was essential to a suffering nation. He had another piece of advice that, when heeded, will make us all essential members of any group. He said Everyone can be great because everyone can serve. You dont have to have a college degree to serve. You dont have to have your subject and your verb agree. You only need a heart full of grace, a soul generated by love. If you do nothing else, serve others with love and grace, and you will be an essential part of our world. Do we enjoy being who we are? Are we putting 100% effort into who we are and what we are doing? Are we an essential part of someones life and a meaningful piece to society? Now, back to the poem. Common folk like you and me are builders of eternity. For each is given a bag of tools. The tools we have can be described as talents. WeShow MoreRelatedGraduation Speech : My Graduation Essay1022 Words  | 5 Pages My Graduation A Graduation ceremony is one of the major steps in life, it marks the start of new changes in our lives. It ushers us into growing up and be responsible for our actions. It marks a new dawn of embracing life experiences, cultivation of good work ethics and eventually culminates in chasing our dreams. On my graduation day, I woke up to the sweet aroma of the breakfast my sister was making. I sat down to eat when the food was ready. It took me about 2 hours to finishRead MoreGraduation Speech1128 Words  | 5 PagesSasenarine Tomby Graduation Speech 2011 Good afternoon [name of members of the head table], teachers, parents, students, fellow graduates and distinguished guests. I must first and foremost thank God for this blessing and honor to stand before you today as Valedictorian of the Class of 2011. Yet, today is not only my day to shine. Every graduate present here is deserving of high praise and recognition and I would like to congratulate each of you on reaching this milestone in life. IRead MoreGraduation Speech650 Words  | 3 PagesCongratulations everyone, congratulations. If youre participating in this graduation ceremony, youve taken the next step toward your future goals and dreams. For those of you that just finished your transfer degrees, congratulations. To those of you that came back to school after a few years off to get a better education, congratulations. To those of you that came to get a certificate or learn IT or computer programming so you can get a better job, congratulations. Now that youre moving onRead More Graduation Speech Essay1010 Words  | 5 PagesLadies, gentlemen, parents, friends, family, staff, fellow students: Instead of taking up more time and reading my speech, it is available to you at http://www.olen’ Thank you. No, just kidding. But seriously folks... Today we are gathered here to celebrate our graduation from 12 long years of schooling. The education granted to us has been a privilege. One so graciously given to us by the citizens of our state, by our community, and by our parents. Today would not beRead More Graduation Speech Essay1009 Words  | 5 Pagesyou might ever sit through. Most of us, though, and I regret that I am in this group, will sit through many more ceremonies -- ceremonies longer and more tedious that this or anything else you can imagine. If you think this is bad, try a college graduation. Think, that is, attend a wedding. And, if just for a moment you think that that is bad, just be thankful you have never attended or will attend a Bar Mitzvah. The only ceremony I think anybody would truly enjoy attending is a funeral. But, onlyRead MoreEssay on Graduation Speech830 Words  | 4 Pagesthe senior class president. A few weeks ago, I was told that I would be speaking at graduation. I was asked to put together a speech for tonight -- Ive become experienced at speech writing over the past couple of weeks. The speech that you are hearing is the fourth one Ive written, the recycle bin needs to be emptied at home and I need a new highlighter. Thank you, Mr. Mier, you get an A+ for your help as my speech teacher but an F for saving trees. Tonight Id like to talk to three groupsRead MoreAn Example of a Graduation Speech653 Words  | 3 Pageswriting papers, doing homework, taking an occasional pop quiz, and of course taking countless exams, it is that time that we all anticipate†¦Graduation! Purpose Statement: Since the majority of us are seniors, and graduation is a little less than a month away, I am going to provide you with some historical background information and some fun facts about graduation in order to make the occasion even more meaningful than it already is. Road Map: Most of you could probably agree that high school wasRead More Graduation Speech Essay1516 Words  | 7 Pagesstudy abroad, and with the great help of the Turner family, Ms. Joy Fitzpatrick who is the international student program coordinator, and my parents, I entered America as an international student on March 11, 2001, only one week after my high school graduation in Japan. It seems as though yesterday when I saw my host mom crying at the airport to see me landed to America safely, as if she were welcoming back her own daughter. I still recall the very first class I took. I was so scared and nervous thatRead More Graduation Speech Essay1115 Words  | 5 Pagesthis graduation speech, several people suggested including a profound quote offering â€Å"encouraging advice to the young graduates†, and then there were others who said, â€Å"eh don’t worry about it, no one listens to those anyway.†Fortunately, I was actually able to take from both suggestions and found a happy balance. You see, I won’t tell you today to: â€Å"Dare to dream†or â€Å"Find your own vision†or even to â€Å"Strive for excellence,†or any trite clichà © that’s ever been said in a graduation speech. SoRead More Graduation Speech Essay560 Words  | 3 PagesWhen they were trying to find someone to give this speech they first asked the most intelligent, smart person they could find. But she turned them down. So then they asked the most beautiful, lovely, attractive person they could find. She also turned them down. Next they asked the nicest, sweetest, kindest, most sincere person they could find. Then I decided it would be rude to turn them down three times in a row, so here I am. How many people here like tomato soup? Come on, raise your hand if
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